April 9, 2019
How to Consistently Close High-Ticket Clients
Do it right and your first big client will be the first of many. Closing new sales is an important part of growing a business.…
April 4, 2019
The 7 Most Embarrassing Branding Mistakes of 2018
Many brands did not get the response they were expecting from their promotional campaigns this year. Nearly any idea can sound great in the conference room.…
April 3, 2019
6 Tips to Get Your Elevator Pitch Off the Ground Floor
Here's how you write and deliver a succinct message about who you are and what you do. The elevator pitch shouldn't be too hard…
April 1, 2019
The Reason You Procrastinate Is Not What You Think
Being more self-disciplined is the wrong approach, according to psychologists. If you think procrastination means you are lazy, unmotivated, or lack self-discipline, you're wrong. Putting…